British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday it was increasingly likely a bomb brought down a Russian airliner over Egypt with the loss of 224 lives, and U.S. President Barack Obama said Washington was taking that possibility “very seriously”. But Moscow, which launched air strikes against Islamist fighters including Islamic State in Syria more than a month ago, said it was premature to reach conclusions that the flight was ...
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Category: General Aviation

In a new problem for the Boeing 787, the US aviation regulator has ordered repairs to correct a software bug that could cause the aircraft to suddenly lose all power. The Federal Aviation Administration issued a directive dated Friday warning that after a 787’s generators have run continuously for 284 days, they could abruptly shut down, leading to a loss of aircraft control. The FAA said Boeing itself identified the ...
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Category: General Aviation

A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet crashed Thursday after apparently being struck by a missile over an area of eastern Ukraine where government forces have been battling pro-Russia separatists. There were no survivors. Ukrainian officials accused the separatists of downing the plane with a missile from a Soviet-era anti-aircraft system and vowed to find those responsible, while leaders of the self-declared Donetsk Peoples Republic, the region where the plane fell, denied ...
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Category: General Aviation

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has landed after taking its first paying passengers aloft on Wednesday, showing off a carbon-composite design its maker says is lighter, more economical to fly and more comfortable than its metal rivals currently plying the airways. The special charter flight by the twin-engined jet from Tokyo to Hong Kong comes after years of delays as Boeing engineers had to deal with glitches and parts delays, leaving ...
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Category: General Aviation

Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Randy Babbitt today announced that the FAA has approved production of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. At an event at Boeing’s facility in Everett, Washington, Administrator Babbitt presented Boeing executives with two certificates for the design and production of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner with Rolls-Royce ...
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Category: General Aviation

It’s Official. X-43A Raises the Bar to Mach 9.6 Guinness World Records recognized NASA’s X-43A scramjet with a new world speed record for a jet-powered aircraft – Mach 9.6, or nearly 7,000 miles per hour. The X-43A set the new mark and broke its own world record on its third and final flight on Nov. 16, 2004. In March 2004, the X-43A set the previous record of Mach 6.8 (nearly ...
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Category: General Aviation

Boeing 787 Dreamliners, for now the world’s coolest planes, are rolling off the assembly line more than three years late, a delay that risks a dogfight with archrival Airbus. This was the jetliner the planet was going to build, producing pieces in the world’s far corners for seamless U.S. assembly. Boeing managers parceled out work to countries likely to buy the plane, letting Japan make wings, China build rudders, Italy ...
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Category: General Aviation