A group of major Japanese firms are planning a test flight next year for the nation’s first homegrown stealth fighter jet, a report said Tuesday. The consortium led by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is developing a jet that has similar technology to US-made F-35 stealth fighters, with a prototype set for a test run in January, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper said. About 39.2 billion yen ($384 million) has been invested in ...
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Category: Military Aviation

More than 400 large US military drones have crashed around the world in the past 13 years, a Washington Post investigation has found. The Post obtained documents detailing accidents including collisions with homes, farms, runways, roads, waterways and even an air force transport plane in midair. Several drones vanished while at cruising altitude and were lost. In April, an army drone crashed next to an elementary-school playground in Pennsylvania; in ...
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Category: Military Aviation

South Korea is spending several hundred million dollars to upgrade most their 140 KF-16 fighters. These were assembled in South Korea from 1994 to 2004 under license and are going through a mid-life upgrade in the United States. This will involves installing a more powerful AESA radar, new electronics (displays, sensors and computers) as well as new cabling and other related components f0r 134 KF-16s. The upgrades will begin in ...
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Category: Military Aviation

Airspace over Ukraine's Crimean peninsula was closed late Friday, officials said, and a Kiev newspaper reported that at least five Ilyushin-76 Russian transport planes landed at a Russian naval airstrip near Simferopol. The reported moves followed a day of major escalation of the strategic confrontation between Crimea's ...
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Category: Military Aviation

Boeing’s chief F/A-18 test pilot pulled the nose of the Super Hornet up into a steep 40-degree angle, then tilted the wings to the left and right, as he demonstrated the popular Navy fighter jet’s ability to manoeuvre, even when under attack. Loops, pirouettes and even a freefall on the plane’s back followed during a demonstration flight on the opening day of the Dubai Airshow, where Boeing is showcasing a ...
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Category: Military Aviation

Prague expects to renew its lease on 14 Swedish fighter jets beyond 2015, outgoing Czech prime minister Jiri Rusnok said Monday. “The negotiations are at an advanced stage. The ball is actually in our court. The Swedes are awaiting our final answer to their recent offer,” he told reporters. The new contract with Stockholm over the supersonic JAS-39 Gripen combat jets could be inked at the end of the year ...
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Category: Military Aviation

A carrier-borne aviation force has been formally established as part of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, military sources said on Friday. The forming of the force, approved by the Central Military Commission (CMC), demonstrates that the development of China’s aircraft carriers has entered a new phase, the sources said. ...
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Category: Military Aviation