About Us
We are a website design company that develops high-end internet websites. Over the past ten years we have been delivering effective, creative website site designs for our clients. Even if you do not conduct all of your business through your website, it may be just what the customer needs to see

Thank you for considering Toad Design for your website design project. Deciding which web development company to trust with your project is not an easy task, but choosing Toad Design is the right choice. Your website will be custom-designed and fully functional so that you can begin attracting customers immediately. We can custom design a

“Toad Design Design big thumbs up! I would highly recommend Toad Design to anyone looking for a custom website. They did an excellent job. Not only did they do a great job on the design itself but the pricing for me was outstanding for a custom website. Also Mark response time is better than anyone
Eexpand Your Business with Us
5 Online Marketing Trends That Will Effect Your Home Internet Business
When you’re running a home internet business you have to ensure that you stay up to date with current online marketing trends. Let’s take a look at 5 online marketing trends that are happening right now. 1. The Growth Of Mobile. One of the most notable new online marketing trends
When Your Email Account Gets Hacked, Whose Fault Is It?
Most of us have got our email accounts or social networking accounts hacked at some point of time. But what was the real reason for this? Was it our fault? Could we have prevented these intrusions? Till we don’t try and investigate, we will never know and will never be
3 Benefits Social Holds For ANY Business
“It’s essential that you have a clear idea of why you’re using social media. Most business owners haven’t clearly defined why they are using it or what it will accomplish for them.” – Nancy Marmolejo, National Association of Sales Professionals Common wisdom states that your business needs to be on
Has Your Website Been Copied? Find Out Quickly
No matter how much you protect your website content, if it is visible to an end user, it can be copied. Webmaster go to various lengths to protect their content. Warning banners and copy protect software can do little to stop the plagiarizers from getting your content and claiming it
What To Do When Your Provider Refuses To Give You Domain Control
Your Domain Name is your business or your personal intellectual property. The Domain Name gives you certain exclusive rights which only you as a domain owner have the privilege of exploiting or using. If your rights are taken away or you are deprived of controlling your domain name’s settings and
Content Quality Trumps Quantity Every Time!
It’s an age-old debate. With often finite resources, you either publish more content, and let quality take a hit. Or you focus more on the quality of the content, but you’re able to publish less of it. Which approach is best? To answer that question, first of all, what exactly