Web Design

Redirect URL Website Hosting

Redirect URL Website Hosting Information For Site Developers

When you use redirect URL website hosting you basically are going to be able to send people from one place online to another. You can use this feature to get people to a different page of your site or can lead them anywhere else online. It’s beneficial to learn more about why you’d do this and how to do it, so read on for more!

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How Can You Encrypt Your Emails? Anti-Spying For Beginners

With privacy and confidential electronic information being a hot topic, we decided to post an article which will be both useful and interesting to those who have a little inclination towards data security.

Why should you encrypt emails?

Your emails contain very important records of your life and may also contain traces or indications of various events. Email is so commonly used but so commonly misunderstood as well, that we thought it necessary to focus on the security aspect of it.

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Will Free Web Hosting Ever Become A Reality?

There may not be such a thing as free lunch, but there maybe a lot of people touting free web hosting services these days.

This means that your website files will reside on a server for which there are no charges. But doesn’t that sound too suspicious? It may sound odd, but there is definitely a catch to it.

But can reliable and sustainable web hosting work if it is made free? This article explores the possibility of having free web hosting services use alternate forms of revenue generation.

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What Should A Website Header Contain? Logo, Contact Details

In a prior article, we had covered what an ideal website footer should contain.

However, the header is equally (if not more) important and can make or break the reputation of the website.

This means that everything that goes into the header should be well planned and must be of utmost utility to the website visitor.

This article deals with what am ideal website header should contain.

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What Should A Website Footer Contain? What To Add and When To Modify It

We have often seen websites with things like “Powered by WordPress” or “Copyright (C) 2016” or “Mobile Friendly Website” or “Mobile Responsive” mentioned at the bottom of the page.

But what should an ideal website footer contain? There have been numerous debates on various forums on what the ideal website footer should be.

But there is obviously no ready made answer and it all boils down to what your website is about and what content goes on it. This article deals with some of the points you may want to add in your website footer.

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