25 Top Places To Publish Your Content And Market Your Business

Still only publishing your content in a single place? If so, you’re missing out on a huge amount of exposure, visibility and results you could otherwise be achieving.

To give your content the greatest chance of success, you need to publish it as widely as possible across a whole network of different content sites.

This involves repurposing content – in other words, creating new versions of the original content – to suit the specific platform you’re publishing on.

For example, let’s imagine your content is currently in the form of a blog post. Here are some examples of how you might repurpose it:

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Will Free Web Hosting Ever Become A Reality?

There may not be such a thing as free lunch, but there maybe a lot of people touting free web hosting services these days.

This means that your website files will reside on a server for which there are no charges. But doesn’t that sound too suspicious? It may sound odd, but there is definitely a catch to it.

But can reliable and sustainable web hosting work if it is made free? This article explores the possibility of having free web hosting services use alternate forms of revenue generation.

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What Should A Website Header Contain? Logo, Contact Details

In a prior article, we had covered what an ideal website footer should contain.

However, the header is equally (if not more) important and can make or break the reputation of the website.

This means that everything that goes into the header should be well planned and must be of utmost utility to the website visitor.

This article deals with what am ideal website header should contain.

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Advertising On Facebook: How To Run Profitable Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing now available.

Unfortunately, many people approach it in a way that loses rather than makes them money. They then reject Facebook advertising as a source of new leads and customers. This also means they lose out on revenue that’s otherwise sitting there waiting for them to take advantage of.

But with a slight shift in approach, they could run ads with a positive ROI (Return on Investment). By doing so, they can claim a new and often very profitable revenue stream for their business.

Here’s How To Make Advertising On Facebook Work

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7 Tips On Creating Content To Drive Traffic

Unless you’re a celebrity you’re not going to be able to create a website and leave it to generate traffic. You’re going to need to create content to drive traffic to your site. Your main goal is to generate leads, make sales, and earn profits. It’ll take a bit of work, but over time traffic will increase to your site.

Here are 6 tips to help you create content, so traffic is driven to your site.

1. Update your blog. In the beginning, many people focus on one blog a day, and then when they have built up their readership, they’ll blog three times a week. This keeps your site fresh in the minds of your followers.

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